Wang Shouxin

Wang Shouxin - a middle-level cadre of the Chinese Communist Party (female) who became known for the biggest corruption scandal of PRC ever known as of 1979.

Working in Heilongjiang province, she embezzled at least 536 000 yuan of state property. Her case was investigated by Liu Binyan (刘宾雁) and published in an expose article titled People or Monsters (《人妖之间》), published in People's Literature in September 1979.

A series of photos of the execution of Wang Shouxin accompany an account of the case in The Chinese Century: A Photographic History of the Last Hundred Years.)[1]:220-1

  1. ^ Spence, Jonathan D. (1996). The Chinese Century: A Photographic History of the Last Hundred Years. New York: Random House.